The Duty of the Moment

July 22, 2017By Katie GuyFamily No Comments

Being a homeschooling mother of six, who also intentionally shares Young Living in my “spare” time as a business, this quote was very helpful to me.  Simply looking out at the world around you, it can be tempting to think that you need to be doing a million things.  A scroll through any social media site/app has the ability to throw you into a pit of despair and self doubt, lowering your self-esteem to think that you are not doing as much as every other person you follow, you are not accomplishing great things, your house isn’t as nice, you don’t do fun things, they have more friends, the list can go on and on.

Rest assured your duties to your husband and children are so important.  Giving of ourselves to those physically present around us is so much greater than any post on social media.  Your duties matter, they have worth and doing them attentively and loyally has an eternal reward!

“The duty of the moment is what you should be doing at any given time, in whatever place God has put you.  You may not have Christ in a hobo at your door, but you may have a little child.  If you have a child, your duty of the moment may be to change a dirty diaper.  So you do it.  But you don’t just change that diaper, you change it to the best of your ability, with great love for both God and that child…There are all kinds of good Catholic things you can do, but whatever they are, you have to realize that there is always the duty of the moment to be done.  And it must be done, because the duty of the moment is the duty of God. ”

An excerpt from the writings of Catherine Doherty, who has a cause for canonization.



Oral Care: Heavy Metals

July 15, 2017By Katie GuyWellness No Comments

On this last day of oral care series I am going to tackle, yet another controversial topic.  I am not a professional, an expert or scientist.  I am a mom.  A mom who has done a ton of research.  A mom who was blessed to be exposed to this truth at my first dental appointment with my father in law, who was my dentist for 18 years before he retired.  At that first appointment, when I was only 19 years old, with a mouth full of METAL filings, he said to me “we need to take these out!!”.  I really do not remember how many appointments it took to replace all of my mercury filings with composite, but I’m sure it was at least two.  Thanks be to God, he was a holistic dentist and took all the necessary precautions to remove them SAFELY!!!

Knowing what I know now, after researching and studying health and the body, I am quite confident that the removal of those mercury filings at such a young age saved me from MANY more severe lifelong problems, as the heavy metals had already spread to my body…although I would not know it for another 11 years!!!

When I first started to see my wonderful naturopath, Danette Goodyear, using the EDS technology it was discovered that the frequencies associated with Mercury, Gold, Chromium, Platinum and Beryllium were in my NERVES & HEART and the frequency associated with Mercury was in my Lymph System & Large Intestine.  At that time, I had been diagnosed medically with Supra-ventricular Tachycardia.  What this means is that my heart would start to race, flutter, stop beating for MANY seconds before finally going back to a normal heart beat.  They wanted to put me on a monitor to record this and that could have possibly lead to major medication or a pace maker.  I, of course, put it all off and went to a naturopath.  :0

I began a regime of a homeopathic detox for heavy metals and before my one month follow up all of the symptoms in my heart had ceased.

I tell you this so that you can see that things are not always as they seem.  I know of another person who developed MS symptoms from heavy metal toxicity.  Once treated for the heavy metal toxicity her MS symptoms went away!!

This stuff is serious.  So serious I’m going to tell you something you may not want to hear.  If you have metal filings you need to seriously consider getting them out!!  Like ASAP!!!  I recommend consulting with someone who is very knowledgable on this and can tell you if it would be appropriate for you to do it right away.  Obviously, there are circumstances that make it not a good time for removal.  i.e. pregnancy.

Young Living Products to Support the Body

Juva, Juva, Juva
Any and all of the Juva products.  These products are fantastic at supporting the liver!!!  As you know a healthy, properly functioning liver is essential for detoxification.

  • JuvaPower
  • JuvaSpice
  • JuvaTone
  • JuvaCleanse
  • JuvaFlex
  • GLF & Citrus Oils are great to use too.

Eliminating REGULARLY is key!!
As with any normal cleansing of the body it is SOOOO important that things are moving out and not reabsorbing.   To help support your digestive system during this time use:

  • DiGize Vitality
  • Comfortone
  • Detoxzyme
  • ICP
  • Digest & Cleanse
  • EssentialZyme-4 or EssentialZyme
  • MegaCal

Nourishing the Body

  • MultiGreens
  • Super C
  • Mineral Essence
  • Life 9
  • NingXia

What you need to know BEFORE removal…

Our family dentist Dr. Preetha Thomas of Enclave Dental has a wonderful article explaining more here.  After spending much time speaking with Dr. Thomas and her taking the time to show me all of the measures they take to protect not only you when you get your heavy metal filings removed, but the staff (who has WAY more exposure than you) and the rest of the patients, I can say with confidence that Enclave dental has set a standard that all dentists should follow!!!

If you goto a dentist that still utilizes mercury filings, I STRONGLY recommend you STOP going to their office.  Even if you are not getting the mercury filings.  Just being in the building where mercury is used for filings or mercury filings are being drilled out using regular methods is HAZARDOUS to yours and more so to your children’s health.  The levels of the heavy metals in the air FAR exceed the safe standards and these tiny particles are easily breathed in.


Oral Care: Fluoride

July 14, 2017By Katie GuyAt Home, Family, Wellness No Comments

I firmly believe that no one on this earth was meant to drink, brush with or ingest this toxin and it is a TOXIN!

  • “sodium fluoride” or “hydrofluorosilicic Acid”
  • Does NOT prevent cavities
  • Tooth decay is HIGH in low income communities that have been fluoridated for years
  • Is NOT an essential nutrient
  • FDA states it is not a mineral nutrient but a prescription drug!!
  • American Dental Association DOES NOT recommend it under TWO
  • Unprocessed industrial BYPRODUCTS of the aluminum scrubbing & phosphate fertilizer industries
  • These industries would have to PAY to dispose of it as a TOXIC chemical
  • It is instead purchased by municipalities and added to our water
  • People who handle fluoride MUST wear FULL hazmat suits and respirators or DIE
  • It accumulates in the body
  • Is mass forced medication
  • Dose CAN NOT be controlled
  • Highest doses going to bottle fed babies
  • Used as a chemical weapon
  • May cause bone cancer
  • Classified as a neurotoxin and mutagen
  • Linked to erosion of IQ’s
  • Takes the place of iodine in the body
  • Hinders thyroid function
  • Effects fertility
  • Ingesting 1/10 of an OZ can kill a 100lb human
  • Declassified Manhattan Project (atomic bomb) documents report that fluoride causes central nervous system damage

What to do?

  • Throw out your toothpaste, mouthwash, bottled water, etc. if it contains fluoride!!
  • Get a whole house filter (one that actually takes out fluoride) or at least get a Berkey water purifier for your drinking AND cooking water!!
  • We have a whole house system and I STILL filter my drinking water through my Berkey.

Young Living products to use…

MINERAL ESSENCE: MAN I LOVE how our products are formulated.  Young Living formulated our mineral supplement with Lemon, Cinnamon Bark and Peppermint Essential oils.  These oils help support the bodies ability to actually ABSORB these essential minerals!!  SO YOU AREN’T JUST FLUSHING IT DOWN THE TOILET!!  If you have been exposed to fluoride it is essential that you first get the fluoride out of your cells.  These oils support the bodies natural detoxification process.

LEMON VITALITY OIL: start adding this to your water daily.  If you have to drink city water at home (until you get a filter), a restaurant or a friends home make sure to always have your LEMON with you!!

THYROMIN Thryromin was developed to nourish the thyroid.  It was formulated with specially selected glandular nutrients, herbs, amino acids, minerals and essential oils all balanced for the most beneficial and nutritional support of the thyroid.

MULTIGREENS Nutritious chlorophyll formula that provides support to the Central Nervous System and full of antioxidants.

NINGXIA RED Amino acids, trace minerals, beta-carotene, B vitamins, and AWESOME essential oils of Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, Tangerine!!!   All formulated for a SUPERIOR antioxidant support.

If you would like to research more information on the negative effects of fluoride watch the movie The Great Culling and goto Mike Adams website Natural News and search for fluoride.

#oralcare #fluoride #toxin #lemon #lemonvitality #mineralessence #multigreens #ningxiared #berkey #water #waterfilter #toothpaste #fluorideisachemicalweapon #justsaynotofluoride

Oral Care: Oil Pulling, Teething & Lip/Tongue Tie

July 13, 2017By Katie GuyFamily, Wellness No Comments

Let’s start today with oil pulling.  What exactly is this? Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique where you swish about a tablespoon of oil, organic sesame, sunflower or coconut are best, in your mouth for up to 20 minutes.  It is said that the oil will pull pathogens out of your mouth and sinuses promoting not only oral health, but sinus and the overall health of the whole body.

There have not been any significant large studies on the effectiveness of oil pulling, however, there are MANY people who can tell you that it works!!!    Many holistic dentist recommend it for overall oral health and to help support the mouth while trying to remineralize the teeth.


When my sixth child, Owen, was born in 2013 he had class 5 lip and tongue tie that we had released the weekhe was born. Being an avid oil user I wanted to support his little mouth with oils, but being such a new breastfed baby I didn’t want to introduce ANY flavors into his little pallet.  While sitting in bed recovering from his very hard birth and now the stress of having the tongue and lip tie procedure I somehow miraculously had enough use of my brain for it to dawn on me that I could use COPAIBA!!!

Copaiba has almost NO flavor and would work WONDERFULLY to support his mouth after this procedure. I  began to use it right away.  I was doing his stretches about once a day.  This is not the most fun thing in the world to do and like I said before I was only a few days postpartum, so I didn’t retain the instructions from the doctors office to do these stretches SIX times a day!!!  I was doing them only ONCE a day, but I was applying Copaiba several times a day!!  I was doing this for a week or so until I found out I was supposed to be doing them SIX times.  I was in tears.  I thought I had completely ruined the procedure!! I remember the ladies at the office specifically telling me to make sure I did the stretches or it would grow back together and you could have to repeat the procedure, yeah that one pictured below.  UGH!  I was a wreck.

How to do Oil Pulling

  1. Get about a tablespoon of your organic oil
  2. Add a drop or two of your desired Young Living Essential Oil…citrus oils are great for whitening teeth.
    1. Lemon
    2. Orange
    3. Citrus Fresh
    4. Thieves is a great addition when you need extra immune support. Of course, you can add any vitality oil of your choice.  You know what your body needs.
  3. Put the oil and EO mixture in your mouth
  4. Swish for up to 20 minutes.  If you are trying oil pulling for the first time you can start with 5   minutes and work your way up to 15-20 minutes (DO NOT SWALLOW!).
  5. Spit in the TRASHCAN not the sink.  These oils may clog your pipes.
  6. Rinse with warm water
  7. Follow up with Thieves mouthwash
  8. End with flossing and brushing with Thieves toothpaste and floss





The follow up appointment was in a few days so I started to do them more times a day, but I was still in tears thinking I had really messed up.  I was so nervous when we went back to the doctor.  The last thing I wanted was to have to put my baby through another procedure.  To my surprise the doctor said he looked GREAT and everything looked PERFECT, nothing was growing back together.

Thanks to my crazy postpartum brain somehow (miraculously) remembering to support his body with  copaiba, everything turned out just fine, in spite of me neglecting to do those stretches as much as I should have!! I am not telling you this so that you can use copaiba instead of the stretches. If you have this procedure done on your baby, DO THE STRETCHES!!!  It is not worth the risk.

Just three months later I did a lunch and learn at this dentists.  At that time, he was one of only two dentist in the area doing lip and tongue tie revisions on infants.  I taught them all about Copaiba and shared my sob story with them about Owen.  By then he was three months old and had already gotten his first two teeth at TWO months old.  You BET I was using Copaiba on him when he started teething, which was pretty much from the time he was a few weeks old, just after his lip/tongue tie procedure.  I shared with all of them the additional use of Copaiba for teething babies.  We now have two dentist offices in the DFW area that do lip/tongue tie revisions and CARRY Copaiba for these precious patients. Dr. Stacy Cole in Fort Worth and Dr. Preetha Thomas in Southlake (she worked at Dr. Coles at the time I gave the lunch and learn!)

If you know of a dentist in your area that does this procedure you NEED to go tell them about Copaiba, get them signed up and using Copaiba in their office.


My little Owen had his one year molars at 10 months old (that is 12 teeth in 10 months) and every tooth, including his two year molars by the time he was 20 months old.  There was constant chewing, drooling, moaning, everything in his mouth, biting, grabbing to bite anything that comes in range.  Apparently, my collar bone was THE BEST thing to teeth on!!  There was a constant stream of Copaiba in his mouth.  The easiest way to apply Copaiba Vitality to your babies gums is by putting a drop on your own finger and rubbing it all around.  Of course, if you are in fear of LOOSING a finger you can apply a drop to a teething toy and give it to them as you know they will stick it in their mouth right away.

With that much teething going on though I needed another tool in my teething toolbox.  So I began to use diluted Thieves spray.  HE LOVED IT!!  Save one of your empty Thieves spray bottles and fill it half way with Thieves spray from a new bottle and filtered water.  You can even try this by adding diluted Thieves mouthwash to an empty Thieves spray bottle.  If they don’t like the taste and clamp up when they see the bottle you can use the same methods as you would with the Copaiba…on your finger or on a toy.

Once again, as with ANYTHING you use on yourself or your children.  Use common sense, trust your intuition and discontinue or dilute more if you think it is necessary.  Happy Teething!!

Oral Care: Ortho & Oral Surgery

July 12, 2017By Katie GuyWellness No Comments

Today we are going to discuss how you can use a plethora of Young Living products to help support your oral health during orthodontics and oral surgery.

Orthodontics and Orthotropics

I would first like to introduce you to an alternative to traditional orthodontics. Myself and 3 of my children are currently going through the Orthotropic process.  I had traditional orthodontics as a teen and it ended up doing more damage than good (including gum recession which I just had oral surgery to correct).  Orthotropics takes more holistic approach taking into account the entire body and how it functions as a whole.  I won’t go into the details only leave you some links to check it out.  It’s pretty fantastic. We go to Gray Family Dental here in the DFW area.

For more information check out the following links.

Like traditional Orthodontics, Orthotropics moves teeth around.  With this moving of teeth and bones, comes discomfort & muscle tightness.  Shifting of bones, ligaments and muscles isn’t an easy thing.  Your body needs all the support it can get during this time.

I suggest a daily regimen of the following:

  • BLM Provides superior support to the bones, ligaments, muscles and joint health.  BLM supports healthy cell function and healthy fluid movement in the joints.  ANY Ortho treatment stresses the muscles of the jaw, skull and neck, as well as, puts an outside force on the jaw bones while trying to move things around.  BLM is a MUST to support this process. It’s ingredients are:
    • Glucosamine Sulfate: derived from shellfish assists the body while it is rebuilding damaged cartilage
    • Potassium: a vital mineral for proper electrolyte balance and support healthy muscles.
    • Callagen Type II: this is the raw material that joints are made up of.
    • MSM: a superior bioavailable source of sulfur.  MSM supports the body, specifically the flexibility in cell membranes and healthy cartilage.
    • EO’s: Clove, Peppermint, Idaho Balsam Fir and Wintergreen
  • Super Cal I recommend taking 2 Super Cal shortly before bed every night.
    • Calcium: needed for bone and teeth health
    • Magnesium: is required for proper function of muscles & maintains bone health
    • Zinc: an essential trace mineral ours is in bioavailable form, supports the immune system
    • Boron: a mineral may help increase the absorption of calcium
    • EO’s: Lemongrass, Wintergreen, Marjoram and Myrtle
  • Sulfurzyme: supports almost EVERY major function of the body. It combines the MSM with the NingXia Wolfberry Fruit.  The NingXia Wolfberry supports the bodies ability to assimilate and metabolize the sulfur!! On the day you get braces or any appliance and on every time things get adjusted you will notice tight muscles, tender gums, sore teeth and even the entire head affected.  Some products you can use to support your body during this time are:
  • Thieves Spray: get this out and spray it in your mouth for an instant cool, soothing feeling.
  • RutaVala Roll On this is a great one to use on all of the stressed muscles around your neck, jaw and head.
  • Deep Relief Roll On another one to apply to the stressed muscles and bones around your neck, jaw and head.
  • Single oils to get out and apply topically for support:

Oral Surgery

I have had three children have their wisdom teeth removed and I just had gum/bone graft surgery less than two weeks ago.  So this is REALLY fresh on my mind.  So fresh I am still doing some of these suggestions. With all three of my children’s wisdom teeth extractions they were prescribed steriods, NSAID’s, prescription mouthwash, Hydrocodone, anti-nausea medication and anti-biotics. The only thing they took was the Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours for the first day, then every 6-8 hours until it was only once a day before the end of the week. With my surgery last week I was prescribed Ibuprofen, antibiotics and Hydrocodone.  I took one Hydrocodone a few hours after surgery and proceeded to throw everything up.  From that point forward I took only Ibuprofen a few times the second day and after that only at bedtime. Here is what we use to support the body after oral surgery:

Oral Surgery Recipe Oils


You can use any or all of these.  I suggest looking them up in your reference book and seeing which one would best support what your body needs.  I’m always in a hurry so I grab a bunch and make up my capsules ahead of time, kind of winging how many drops of each.  I LOVE to put in more of Peppermint and Copaiba.  My capsules hold about 12 drops so I could do 1 of each all of these and 4 more additional drops.  Of course, if you are new to oils you will want to dilute these 50/50 so you will only be able to get 6 drops of oil in the capsule and then fill the rest with Fractionated Coconut Oil.

It is my hope that Young Living is working on adding these oils below to the VITALITY line, until then we can only talk about their topical use.


Thieves Mouth Wash!!!!

I can not tell you how wonderful it has been to have my Thieves mouthwash during these past 12 days since my gum/bone graft surgery!!  I have been swishing it every hour.  It brings such cool relief to my mouth.  On top of all of the other WONDERFUL benefits I wrote about here.

I know this is a lot of info to take in and I have only really scratched the surface.  Remember you know yours and your children’s bodies the best.  If you don’t have a reference book to help you navigate your day to day EO usage I highly recommend getting one.  I have had one for 12 years and still use it on a regular basis.  Even after 12 years of researching and looking things up for my family of 8 I still don’t have it memorized.  There is not enough Brain Power EO in the world to help any of us do that.  Take my info and do your research.  Try things out and find what works best for you and your family.

Oral Care: Lozenges, Floss & Mouthwash

July 11, 2017By Katie GuyWellness No Comments

Today we are going to tackle these tree awesome Young Living products. As with all the Young Living Oral Care products these are ALL ABOUT THIEVES!!!! If you have not researched the Thieves essential oil blend and it’s individual oils YOU NEED TO!!!  There have been umpteen studies done on Thieves and each of its individual oils and their constituents.  If I could go into it all I would, but I can’t.  Besides there isn’t nearly enough room here to put it all.   There have been university studies in Utah, France, Maryland, medical literature studies, peer reviewed, American Journal of Dentistry study, Journal of Clinical Periodontology study, Over 100 studies have documentation on the power of essential oils to support oral health.  I could go on and on with this kind of info.

Thieves Essential Oil Blend


  • Cloves…supports the immune & circulatory systems, & the bodies natural inflammatory response,
  • Lemon…supports the immune & circulatory systems, normal cell growth
  • Cinnamon Bark…supports the immune system and bodies natural inflammatory response
  • Eucalypptus Radiata…supports the immune system, & the bodies natural inflammatory response
  • Rosemary…supports the immune system and bodies natural inflammatory response

Do we see a pattern here with what body systems the individual oils in Thieves supports? It is such a fantastic blend to have in our mouth as much as possible.  Our mouths are our first line of defense against MANY pathogens.  Supporting our oral health is of the upmost importance!!

Thieves Lozenges and Thieves Cough Drops

Of course, these contain the Thieves essential oil blend.  Making them a perfect partner with the mouth.  Besides the obvious uses, we LOVE to have Thieves Lozenges and cough drops on hand to help freshen our breath when on the go.  As you know fresh breath is a sign of a healthy mouth and in turn a healthy body. Another excellent use is to keep a Thieves Lozenge or Thieves Cough Drop in your mouth during a flight, in fact, keep one in your mouth the whole time you are in the airport as well!!! With hundreds of thousands of people going to and fro…airports and planes are full of stale impure air.  Since our mouth is our first line of defense, any help we can give to support our immune system in this environment will go a long way.

Thieves Floss

Who LOVES to floss?  NOT…flossing is not really the most exciting task in up keeping the health of our mouths, but it needs to be done.  Nobody likes to feel like they have sweaters on their teeth!!!!  Flossing, when done properly, manually removes the biofilm from in-between our teeth and below the gum line. Lets talk about proper floss positioning… You should gently put the floss between your teeth holding it on either side of the tooth, then pull either end of the floss towards the tooth wrapping it around the sides BEFORE going up and down with it.  You will notice, if your gums are healthy, you can get that floss WAY up above the gum line.  This is imperative in cleaning that biofilm out and preventing plaque build up above the gum line. The other fantastic thing about using the THIEVES floss, in this correct manner, is that you will be depositing the Thieves Essential oil blend that is infused into it up above the gum line where it will go on to support your immune system, circulatory system and the bodies natural inflammatory response for hours!!!

Thieves Mouthwash

Oh Thieves Mouthwash, what would I do without you? I am going to get seriously personal here.  I have had six pregnancies.  After several, when you have littles to take care of, certain things start to get neglected in the daily maintenance of your own body.  All moms know this.  We have a hard time taking the day to day advice of “put your own mask on first”. So my first thing to go is flossing and sometimes I would be too tired to even brush before bed…YIKES.  I said it.  I have been known to rarely floss during pregnancy and even skip brushing at bedtime. EVEN WITH A DENTIST FATHER IN LAW.  :-/ With my first three pregnancies I ended up with a cavity after each. Although they weren’t significant they were still cavities.  With pregnancy 4 I began using the Thieves toothpaste and Thieves mouthwash.   With this being the fourth pregnancy my tiredness did not improve so neither did my flossing and brushing habits.  I was, however,  SUPER consistent about rinsing with Thieves mouthwash every night.  This took the least amount of effort and tasted SO GOOD!!!  After the baby was born I went to get my teeth cleaned and as usual, told my hygienist about my poor dental hygiene habits while pregnant, fully expecting another cavity.  Well, she checked my teeth and said actually my gums looked healthier than she had ever seen them before AND I did NOT have a cavity.  I repeated the same bad habits with pregnancy five and six with the exact same conversation with my hygienist at my cleanings after each baby was born.  NO CAVITIES~HEALTHY GUMS!!!  YAY!!! I CANNOT stress how fantastic the Thieves mouthwash is.

My whole family uses it.  For my younger kids I dilute it about 70-30.  That’s 70% mouthwash, 30% purified water.  If your kids are more sensitive you can dilute yours 50-50. Another example of its efficacy is my daughter Lucy, who is now 10.  She was unable to open her mouth for three years…from 1.5-4.5 years old, when she had jaw replacement surgery.  In that time, she rinsed with Thieves mouthwash several times a day as we could not even get a brush in her mouth.  The surgeon FULLY expected to pull many of her teeth when he got her mouth open during the surgery.  He pulled NONE. The MOUTHWASH has the Thieves Essential oil blend, plus Peppermint, Spearmint and Vetiver. It also has the awesome Liposomal Time Release Technology that I wrote about yesterday, keeping your breath smelling and tasting fresh for a LONG time. Another important ingredient is Colloidal Silver.

Colloidal Silver

  • Supports the immune system
  • Swishing in your mouth has been shown to prevent plaque buildup, tooth decay and bleeding gums
  • Supports the bodies natural healing process
  • Prevent viruses from entering human cells
  • Supports the bodies natural inflammatory process
  • Disrupt bacterial biofilm
  • Dozens of studies on its effects on all types of bacteria, fungi and viruses
  • Studies on its effects on herpes simplex virus, i.e. cold sores
  • Penetrates the large intestine and help support the digestive system
  • International space station used it to purify water
  • Greeks and Romans used it to prevent food spoilage

As you can see the colloidal silver in the Thieves Mouthwash catapults its effectiveness to powerhouse status.  No-one can afford NOT to use this.  And the price is SO AFFORDABLE.  If for some horrible reason I had to choose one oral care product, I think I would choose the Thieves Mouthwash.

If you have not tried any of these three, get them on your ER orders this month.  You’ll thank me.

Oral Care: Toothpaste

July 10, 2017By Katie GuyWellness 1 Comment

I am so excited to share with you guys about dental care.  Man there is just SOOOO much to cover and so much I want to say.  I will try to keep things as short as possible, which probably will not be easy.  I married into a dental family.  My father in law (now retired) was one of the ONLY holistic dentists in the Dallas-Forth Worth area for many years…a pioneer in the industry.  So this has been my life for over 22 years!

Let’s kick this series off with TOOTHPASTE If you are NOT using one of Young Living’s toothpastes you need to start…NOW!!!  Our family has been using Thieves toothpaste for 12 years!!  Our favorite was the Thieves Dentarome with the green stripe on it, which they discontinued a few years ago…decisions, decisions.  We had to choose a new one.  My husband and I settled on the Thieves Dentarome Plus.  We LOVE this toothpaste.  My older children had been using the Dentarome Ultra for many years so they were not effected, but my younger ones were.  They were great with the Dentarome, but the Plus was a bit too spicy for them.  Thankfully, we had other choices.  The younger three now use the AromaBright Toothpaste and love it!!!

ALL of Young Living’s Toothpastes are:


~Fluoride FREE

~Plastic FREE

~Preservative FREE

~NO sugar

~NO Artificial colors

~NO Artificial Flavors

~NO Artificial Sweeteners

~NO synthetic chemicals

This means it’s TOTALLY cool if you or your children SWALLOW any of Young Living’s Toothpastes.  I mean, seriously, even if you and your kids spit it out, you know some of it is going down.

READ your toothpaste.  If it says “Call Poison Control if Swallowed”  THROW IT IN THE TRASH…or Better yet, take it to the hazardous chemical place!!!!

ABSOLUTELY NO reason to call poison control EVER if you swallow Young Living’s toothpaste.


Most brands of toothpaste contain very large sized abrasive particles that will easily wear away your tooth enamel.  You know the hard outer part of the tooth that protects it.  It is a difficult process to remineralize our teeth.  Any precautions we can take in protecting our enamel the better!!  Young Living’s toothpastes contain a low-abrasion formula containing the smallest particle size, yet still able to remove biofilm from the teeth.


~Uses only water and lecithin

~Slowly release beneficial compounds and flavors overtime

~Binds essential oils to the mucus membranes and tooth enamel in the mouth to provide long-lasting control of bad breath

~in studies it took 30 repeated rinses with water to remove the dental liposomes

Thieves Dentarome Ultra & Thieves Aromabright Toothpastes BOTH have the awesome Lipsomal Technology.

If you LOVE the Dentarome Plus like I do, which does not have the Liposomal Technology, don’t fret!!  The Thieves Mouthwash has the Liposomal Technology.  I have always used BOTH!!

Dentarome Plus DOES have sodium bicarbonate which helps to enhance the effects of the POWERFUL Thieves blend and Peppermint essential oils in it.  As well as ionic minerals and stevia.

Who wants WHITE teeth??

Dentarome Ultra may be your goto toothpaste.  It contains calcium carbonate which is essential for brightening teeth, it also contains xylitol and Zinc oxide.

Or maybe you prefer the Thieves Aromabright Toothpaste…this ALSO contains the calcium carbonate for brightening teeth.

AROMABRIGHT has BOTH the calcium carbonate & the sodium bicarbonate, along with the liposomal technology, xylitol, Thieves EO blend and the addition of Ocotea this makes the Aromabright the most broad spectrum toothpaste Young Living carries.  It also contains NO WINTERGREEN EO for anyone that is avoiding that.

I, personally, do not like the taste of Dentarome Ultra.  I can use the Aromabright, but just really prefer the Dentarome Plus.  So I know that I am not getting that extra whitening power.  Whenever I feel like my teeth need a little pick me up in the brightening/whitening area, I simply add a drop of orange or lemon oil to my toothpaste or add those fantastic citrus oils to my oil pulling routine (we’ll talk about oil pulling another day)


This is going to be the MOST mild toothpaste Young Living has for those tiny, more sensitive mouths, mouths that ALREADY give you a hard time about brushing their teeth.

KidScents has the totally awesome Slique Essence essential oil blend in it along with the Thieves essential oil blend.  You could just sit and eat it.

It also contains Xylitol, which I have not talked about yet.


~balances PH levels in the mouth

~bacteria in the mouth are unable to digest xylitol…no food source, no growth

~may rise the PH of the plaque

When PH is above 7 your body has an easier time moving the minerals in your saliva into softened enamel, ensuring that these spots do not get so soft they decay and need a filing.

Sugar & artificial sweeteners lower the PH of your mouth and body and FEED bad bacteria.   ALL the more reason to use Young Living’s toothpaste!!!!

One great thing I learned early on was to explain to the children in very simple terms what is going on in their mouth.  The mouth contains bad bacteria (germs), when you eat sugary foods it feeds these bacteria, which then poop on your teeth.  This poop is the plaque.  Brushing helps remove the bacteria poop.  :O  Explaining this always helps ensure my little ones are fervent about brushing their teeth.  The GREAT tasting toothpaste makes it an even easier task for us busy moms to get accomplished around the house!!


Above you can see a wonderful chart to help you decide which toothpaste is for you.  Remember everyone is different.  We all have different mouths, different spit, different PH levels in our mouths, different needs.  If my mouth were different I probably would gravitate to one of the other toothpastes.  You know your body and your mouth the best.  Give them a try and see which works best for you!!!


